Hero Background

Turn long college lectures into short summaries & quizzes

It's like having that college friend that passes you his summaries for every lesson. Turn hours of lectures recordings into summaries, quizzes and flashcards that help you study better and faster.

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App Store Rating

4.9 stars on the App Store by 50,000+ students

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Generate notes, flashcards, and quizzes to crush your exams in half the time

Turn your lectures, videos and articles into powerful study tools with AI

Record lectures

Record lectures

Record your lectures with one tap, upload your own notes or use a Youtube link

AI-generated notes

AI-generated notes

Generate beautiful, organized summaries from your lectures

AI-generated flashcards

AI-generated flashcards

Generate flashcards for your notes and review them on the go

AI-generated quizzes

AI-generated quizzes

Test yourself on your lessons and track progress

Translate in 100+ languages

Translate in 100+ languages

Translate your lectures and notes in any language

And much more!

And much more!

Try it for free

AppleDownload Kiwinote for iPhone
App Store Rating

4.9 stars on the App Store by 50,000+ students